Someday, probably not very soon, I might blog about this part of my life.
I'm approaching 50,000 views on thishereblog. I've been thinking about celebrating that milestone (30,000 views of which are probably my parents).
Anyway. That's a lot of views, right?
Surely I have something I could write about to celebrate this fantastic occasion?
I mean, it's a pretty big deal. I remember when I was proud for hitting 6,000 views.
So, I'm going to talk about my life right now.
At the moment, I am chilling in an AirBnB in my new town. Why am I AirBbBing it right now, you might be wondering?
Because I am currently homeless.
There is no way to sugarcoat that. I'm not going to joke about it, laugh about it, or minimize it by saying it's a "first world problem."
When people ask me for my address, I laugh.
I don't have a permanent address. I will, eventually. But right now?
On the list of things I thought would happen in my life, homelessness was not on it. Nor was it on my Monica 2020-2021 Bingo Card.
And I don't know what this says about the last 12-18 months of my life, but homelessness is not the worst thing that's happened to me.
And when your life falls apart in literally minutes, TEN MINUTES TO BE EXACT, what do you do?
I laughed.
And then I found my favorite Tennessee liquor in a Kansas liquor store, which I have never, in my life, seen in a Kansas liquor store (Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey). (Also, I don't drink often and don't go to liquor stores often.)
Because that's the answer to life sometimes.
Like I said above, there is no sugarcoating this.
The week that everything fell apart, I drank a little bit of Jack that night (Friday night), and I blogged.
It made me laugh the next day when I read my blog posts sans alcohol. I corrected a couple of little things, but mostly, everything I wrote was fine.
Dammit. It was more than fine.
It was excellent.
(I'm good at this, even when there's some Jack involved.)
This part of my life will eventually be over. One day, I will have a permanent address. One day I will sleep in my own bed, that I own, under my own roof, which I will also own.
But that day is not today. And it won't be tomorrow.
Until then?
There are things that you shouldn't say to me.
"This experience will make you stronger!"
I don't want to be strong.
"Everything happens for a reason."
No. It doesn't.
"God doesn't give you anything you can't handle."
Yeah, about that. Thanks for putting the thought in my head that God wants me to be homeless right now, because that's pretty much the only dark hole I haven't explored yet in this situation.
Until life gets better, I'm just going to sit here, in my AirBnB, and think about the song "Fancy Like" and all the TikTok dances associated with it, and inside I'm all like, that song is literally a lactose intolerant person's worst nightmare.
Also, next month I am going to one of the cities on my bucket list, a city that's not on my bucket list, and I am also going to Church, and I'm not talking about the religious institution.
It will be glorious.
Also, I'm getting used to the whole 'my life is falling apart' thing. I don't mean to brag, but I handled this latest curveball like a champ.
I haven't cried once.
Am I reading a self-help book right now, and clinging onto depressing af quotes on Pinterest to get through?
To everyone reading this, comfortable in their own house, in their nice, warm bed with their partner beside them: I kind of hate you right now. Not going to lie.