Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in a nutshell

This year has easily been the worst year of my life. 

Over Thanksgiving, I played a card game called Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza with friends. The game was so adorably cute and violent, I decided to buy it. 

It didn't come in time for Christmas, but that's okay. As long as it was here by New Year's Eve, I thought. 

To my pleasant surprise, I got a package in the mail today, on New Year's Eve! I noticed it was light in weight, but I decided to just be thankful in came in time and I took it inside to open it.

And here is a picture of what was inside.

Absolutely nothing.


If that doesn't describe 2020, I don't know what does.

Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 26, 2020

But we came up with the test.

Space, the universe, stars, and the Christmas Star have all been topics of conversation amongst my family this week.

It all eventually boils down to a saying that my Dad and I say to each other often.

"You think there's intelligent life out there?" he asks me.

I reply with a quote from Contact: "It'd be an awful waste of space if there's not."

And then we start talking about this blog post, where I quote Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson: "I wonder if we're smart enough to figure out the universe. We define ourselves as intelligent. But we came up with that test."

I'm glad that I created a blog and captured that instant.

Back to you.

 There's seven minutes left of Christmas day and tonight, I can't stop thinking of Nashville. 

It's a beautiful, magical city, and it's a city that healed my broken heart last year. When I left Tennessee, I told myself that I would go back and visit each year. 

I recognize some of the photos coming out of the news today about the bombing downtown. 

Authorities Search For Nashville Bomber 

I'm pretty sure I said this after the tornadoes that ripped through Tennessee earlier this year. 

Nashville, I love you and I can't wait to go back to you. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020



Jupiter, Saturn merging in night sky, closest in centuries

I'm going to borrow someone else's words here, and hope my Facebook friend won't get angry with me. 

"Finally the clouds parted. And there they were—Jupiter and Saturn in convergence as
The Christmas Star. In the western Kansas sky.
To think 2000 years ago three Wise Men followed this same convergence to a babe in a manger—the King of Kings.
And I’m seeing it in my lifetime.
It’s humbling. And awesome."

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Two zero, two zero?

 How adorably funny is the new commercial?


Two zero, two zero?

Just call me 2020. 

If that were saved for the Super Bowl, that would have won best commercial, hands down. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Thank you

What a beautiful song!

Thank you - Pentatonix 

Oh, Lord, it's been a year

With little joys and little fears

It's finally here, Christmas day
My love, I need some hope
A little faith, a hand to hold
It's awfully cold, Christmas day

Watch the snow fall down like me sometimes
But you pick me up and then pick me up again
Like the winter leaves I can't survive
Without your light

Thank you for your smile
It's warmer than the fire
Your gentle laughter
Is sweeter than a choir
I'll never know
The right words to choose
So all I can say
Is thank you

We fell into the snow
And talked about growing old
So here's to a hundrеd more Christmas days
This house will be our homе
And my heart will be your own
As the candles glow, Christmas day

Watch the snow fall down like you sometimes
But I'll pick you up and then pick you up again
Like our winter tree on Christmas night
It needs some light

Thank you for your smile
It's warmer than the fire
Your gentle laughter
Is sweeter than a choir
I'll never know
The right words to choose
So all I can say
Is thank you
Thank you

Spent all this time hanging lights
But I'm just blinded by your eyes
I look outside, the ground is white
But you and I should probably stay inside

Thank you for your smile
It's warmer than the fire
Your gentle laughter
Is sweeter than a choir
I can't believe
This year you've got me through
The least I can do
Is thank you

Like a dream come true.

My favorite youngest niece turned five this month.


When she opened her birthday present, which was a Barbie car, she screamed. Later, when she was playing with it, she declared, "This is like a dream come true."

Happy Birthday, C. May I always keep making your dreams come true. 


Saturday, December 12, 2020

"Aunt Monica, why's this guy singing about going to bed?"

This post is what happens when someone has too much time on her hands on a drive home on a moonless, starless, cloudy night. 


I've driven through worse. 

Last year, I went to see Eric Church post break-up and drove through a winter storm. 

This year, I was tasked with trying to beat a storm home, which I did many, many times through college. 

I used to drive a lot, back in college and in a former job. Now, going to Wichita and back is a big deal that doesn't happen as often as it should. 

Anyway, the point of thishereblogpost is to talk about the music on my drive. I've heard several songs, including my favorite song ever, "Record Year," mention turning the speakers up to 10. 

On my car radio, the speakers can go up to 62. So to cure my boredom while driving 300 miles roundtrip in a day, I set my car to play Spotify on random order, and I paid attention to what songs I turned up. 

Well, let's just say that "Stick That In Your Country Song" and "Through My Ray Bans" both got a volume nod of 62. 

Dan and Shay's "I Should Probably Go To Bed," also a 62. (Also, I renamed the song, "Aunt Monica, why's this guy singing about going to bed?")

I don't want readers of thishereblog to think that I only did this to my country playlist. Oh, no. I did it to my "Favorites" list, which is my "Favorites that aren't country" playlist. 

Dropkick Murphy's "Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced" gets a nod here. It wasn't a 62, but it was a solid 50, complete with me singing like a moron through the streets of Wichita. 

Then there's Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" which I had forgotten about that hits a little too close to home right now. That song was a solid 50 on the speakers.

I grew up going to Alan Jackson, George Strait and Gary Allan concerts throughout my childhood and high school years. In college, I branched out and discovered that Hanson shows are amazing, but there's nothing like seeing them at home in Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa. 

Hanson was on my list today as well. And you better believe I listen to "Man From Milwaukee" when I go to Milwaukee every year for Pugfest. 


And then there's a slew of concerts that I've been to in the last few years. They include:

  • Gary Allen 
  • Jake Owen
  • Lanco x 2
  • Hanson
  • Justin Moore
  • Eric Church times....however many times I've seen him. It was five times last year. 
  • Thomas Rhett
  • Brett Eldridge
  • Brother's Osborne
Ya'll...I kind of like music. When people complain that the next town over from us gets a clothing store that will pay teenagers $10 an hour, I'm over here like, did you guys know that Lanco came here and performed BETTER than the act they opened for?!?

Lanco is why you never miss the opening band, by the way. 

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. My stupid Spotify playlist kept replaying two songs, out of the thousands of songs I have on it. It kept playing "Tin Man" by Miranda Lambert and "Greatest Love Story" by Lanco. 

I still remember how Lanco introduced that song before they sang it here in town. They said: "I hope you find your love story, and I hope it's the greatest love story ever." 

And then "Tin Man" is about getting your heart ripped out and shredded into a million little pieces. 

I have some experience with both of those things, and both of those songs mean a lot to me. The second and third time they played tonight, I figured the universe was trying to tell me something, so I listened to those songs in their entirety. 

I thought a lot about life and how things happen tonight, and why they happen when they happen. Why does one person meet that person, and how one person across the country can impact your life, whether you like it or not. 

What's that called, the Butterfly Effect? Someone sneezes in California and it impacts someone in Kansas?

Something like that. 

Why does it happen? I have no idea. I didn't come up with any answers tonight, only more questions.

I expertly timed my trip back home, and it started spitting snow just as I arrived in my home county. One of my favorite things to do is to stay up until the bar down the street closes, and listen for the drivers who honestly think they can make it up a snowy brick street on a hill.

Hint: You can't. Turn around, morons. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 What a beautiful moment for the world. 

--- changed its font, and it's really been bugging me lately. Not bugging me as much as literally telling me that I'm the second most important woman in your life...but still. It bugs me. (I'm in a mood tonight.)

The best way I can describe my current mood: I want to feel like I'm one in a million, not one of two. 

One of two is no bueno. One in a million is bueno. 


Parents: We want grandkids!
