Saturday, April 18, 2020

We interrupt this music challenge for...

New Church music!

I woke up this morning to a message from my favorite singer sitting in my email inbox. Oh, it's a message of hope, faith, and prayer. That's nice.

Steady by faith, calmed by song, healed by prayer. 

Oh, I believe. Damn right I believe. 

I believe these halls will roar again. These stadiums will be deafening. The silence of now will cower at the noise of soon.

When the question of 'Who will answer this call?' is asked, thousands will raise their firsts and say, "I will. We will." 

And we damn sure will.

And, oh, there's a new song at the end of the video!

Best surprise ever.


Music means a lot to me, as you might have noticed if you know me in person or if you read thishereblog.

I was raised by two people who took me to Alan Jackson and George Strait concerts when I was growing up.

In my adult life, when I had surgery one day, the same day that Alan Jackson was in town, those two wonderful people went and watched AJ perform.

Ha, ha. I love it. I was so mad at them for having fun when I was in pain. (I love that memory now, because I would have done the same thing in their shoes.)

I've been talking about memories a lot with my family, which is kind of an interesting, maybe sweet, side effect of what's going on in the world right now.

My memories growing up are of going to concerts. It's just who I am and it's in my blood.

I went to my fair share of concerts in college. I went to my college town's bluegrass festival when I lived there. I've been known to suggest concerts as dates (Jerrod Niemann and Lanco, both of which were fantastic shows).

In my adult life, especially over the past few years, I've found that music is how I heal. Every time I'm heartbroken, I turn to music to get over it.

I'm a pretty big believer that if something bad happens, then something good happens, too.

There is no other feeling in the world that feels like a concert. There is no other feeling that describes being in a moment so magical that thousands of people (sometimes 56,000 people) are rejoicing right along with you.

There's an energy in the air that is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

I went to eight concerts last year and explored several new cities. I lost my car in an NFL stadium parking lot after a concert 900 miles away from home at 1 a.m. (I found my car and lived, if you were wondering.)

I met new people. I let go of old people. I laughed at a dude dressed like a priest who was drunkingly dancing in the aisles at Eric Church's Nashville show last year. (The priest went to church. I can't get mad at him about that.)

I went to a concert with my best friend last year, and we saw our favorite childhood band. (Her: Monica, I just paid for you to look at Taylor Hanson for 2 hours. Me: Money well spent.)

I was front row for a concert the same week as my birthday (alongside my parents) that damaged our hearing for a few days after. The next day, when my family went to see Endgame in the theater, I heard about half of the movie. The other half I spent nudging my brother and saying, "What did that guy say?"

Bad things happen all the time. I believe you've got to go through the bad stuff to get to the good stuff.

And mustard on my fries.


The thing about the 'lasts' in life? When that moment is happening, you have no way of knowing that it's a last time you'd experience it.

Had I known that I wouldn't see my nieces for a few weeks the last time I saw them, I would have hugged them a little harder.

Had I known that having lunch with a friend would eventually become a social distancing lunch six feet apart, I would have hung out with my friends a little more often.

Had I known that the entire world would change this year, I would have done a lot of things different.

But in the moment, you don't know. You have no way of knowing.

Right now all I know is that eventually, I will go to concerts again. I will cherish that concert beer a little more, and I'll be a little kinder to the person sitting next to me.

Right now I don't really know what I know, except that I was raised to keep going through the bad stuff. I know that eventually, there will be good.

And for the love of all things holy, a certain singer releasing a new album this year would be spectacular.

Just saying.


I believe the best is yet to come. We shall rage. We shall roar. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 6 - A song that makes you want to dance

Day six is a little tricky, because I only dance sober to slow songs or wedding songs that have dancing instructions in them (re: Cupid Shuffle).

I was going to go with an Eric Church song here, but I have a feeling that I need to branch out more. (Someone sang a Billie Eilish song to me after the Grammys, which made me realize that I live in a musical bubble that I don't often get out of. I didn't know the song and people had to explain who she was to me.)

So, instead of EC's Drink in My Hand, which is the perfect party song to dance to at a concert, we're going to switch it up with this one.

This is a slow song by George Strait, which was written by John Prine. You might recognize John's name because he just succumbed to the corona virus. 

Damn. It took Joe Diffie and John Prine.

Here's to the country greats. Here's also to washing your hands, not eating bats and not licking door knobs.

I Just Want to Dance With You
George Strait

I don't want to be the kind to hesitate
Be too shy, wait too late
I don't care what they say other lovers do
I just wanna dance with you
I gotta feeling that you have a heart like mine
So let it show, let it shine
If we have a chance to make one heart of two
I just wanna dance with you
I wanna dance with you, twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for
I just wanna dance with you
I wanna dance with you, hold you in my arms once more
That's what they invented dancin' for
I just wanna dance with you
I caught you lookin' at me when I looked at you
Yes I did, ain't that true?
You won't get embarrassed by the things I do
I just wanna dance with you
Oh the boys are playin' softly and the girls are too
So am I and so are you
If this was a movie, we'd be right on cue
I just wanna dance with you
I want to dance with you, twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for
I just wanna dance with you
I wanna dance with you, hold you in my arms once more
That's what they invented dancin' for,
I just wanna dance with you
I wanna dance with you
Twirl you all around the floor
That's what they invented dancin' for
I just wannna dance with you
I wanna dance with you
Hold you in my arms once more
That's what they invented dancin' for
I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you
I just wanna dance with you

A message from me

I am a member of a professional organization, and in the next few weeks, we will vote on a new slate of officers.

I will give my presidency up to make way for someone else.

My last message to our group is below. It was composed in an email program I use, an I chose tulips as the design.

Why will make sense when you read my message below.

Also, here's a photo of the flowers that I collected from my yard later that night.

Life is not always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.


April is my favorite month. Each year, I post this as a status on Facebook, only to be greeted with my friends posting a T. S. Eliot quote about how April is really not that great.

April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

This year, I have to agree with T.S. Eliot. I don't think anyone reading this newsletter right now predicted that we'd be in a statewide stay-at-home order for three weeks. I definitely did not predict that a 1,000 people a day would die in the U.S. because of events in China that happened a few months ago.

My little hometown in western Kansas has remained relatively safe, with no known cases so far. (One person flew into our airport from out-of-state with the virus and went immediately to the hospital, but has since left).

I'm thinking of our KPC members who live in Wichita and Kansas City, and those who live in all the other communities impacted by this virus.

When the KPC board last met, we talked about sending out a message of hope. We discussed how everyone needs a pick-me-up right about now.

One of our members suggested online resources to download books for free. See below for that link. On a personal note, to combat the stress this has placed on my life, I've taken up painting again.

Self-care is important right now. I hope everyone reading this takes the extra time they now have to find something that makes them happy.

I chose the photo above, and below, for a reason. My favorite time of year is April, for a few reasons. The main reason is because that's when the tulips in my yard bloom. And each year after they bloom, western Kansas always sees a hard freeze, like we will tonight.

Before I go to bed tonight, I'll walk around my yard with scissors in my hand and cut all of my tulips. I'll bring the flowers inside and put them in vases all over my house. When I did this last year, I was surprised at how much my mood changed. I loved smelling fresh flowers and seeing all of the beautiful colors in every room of my house.

I hope you, too, find joy in something colorful right now.

-Monica Springer
KPC president


Need something to read right now and can't use your public library?  Try free online resources such as Project Gutenberg, a library of over 60,000 free eBooks at Take a closer look at the eBook offerings you can access with your local library card.

As an example, Manhattan (Kan.) Public Library offers a digital library links hoopla for books, movies, music, and audiobooks and kanopy for more sophisticated movies. Manhattan's Library also provides access to Sunflower eLibrary for ebooks and Flipster for online reading of a popular magazines.

Wichita Public Library offers e-books and e-audiobooks from OverDrive through the Wichita E-Reads.

See what your local library offers you digitally. Many books are available right now online.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 5 - A song that needs to be played loud

Day 5 - A song that needs to be played loud
Holding Out for the One
Tenille Townes 
Another party, another late crowd
We got the music turned up all the way loud
Another "hey girl", another lean in
Another "here we go, welcome to the weekend"
"Hey baby, whatcha drinkin'?"
Like I don't know what you're thinkin'
Same damn lines every time
All the boys say, "Hey, take a ride with me
Oh, pretty little thing, stay the night with me"
I say, "Hey, I don't think you understand
I'm not the girl with her high heels in her hand"
In last night's little black party dress
Yeah, maybe I'm a little bit different I guess
But I ain't giving my heart to just anyone
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
I'm gonna know it when I feel it
Yeah, he's gonna give me somethin' to believe in
Won't have to tell me, he's gonna show me
He's gonna take his sweet time to get to know me, mm
I know he's out there somewhere and he gets me too
When the boys say, "Hey, take a ride with me
Oh, pretty little thing, stay the night with me"
I say, "Hey, I don't think you understand
I'm not the girl with her high heels in her hand"
In last night's little black party dress
Yeah, maybe I'm a little bit different I guess
But I ain't giving my heart to just anyone, no
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
I'm holding out, yeah (ooh)
Hey-hey, ayy
"Hey baby, whatcha drinkin'?"
Like I don't know what you're thinkin'
Same damn lines every time
All the boys say, "Hey, take a ride with me
Pretty little thing, stay the night with me"
I say, "I don't think you understand
I'm not the girl with her high heels in her hand"
In last night's little black party dress
Yeah, maybe I'm a little bit different I guess
But I ain't giving my heart to just anyone
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one) (yeah, yeah)
I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
Oh, oh, I'm holding out for the one
(Holding out for the one)
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
(Holding out for the one)
I'm holding out for the one


Same damn lines, every time.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Day 4 - A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget

Day 4 - A song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget

Amy Winehouse - Me and Mr. Jones

I have a list of go-to break up songs, and this one is at the top. A former boss introduced this song to me when I was angry and asked for some angry girl music.

Because who doesn't ask themselves, 'What kind of fuckery is this?' in the midst of a bad relationship?