There are ice storms, wind events, hail, earthquakes and thundersnow. But a good, old-fashioned snowstorm that dumps inches of perfect, wet snow all day doesn't happen very often.
It happened this week. When I woke up yesterday morning, I knew that it was the perfect day to take the kids sledding. (I know that because I wanted to go sledding.)
I cleaned off my car, struck out at buying sleds at the first store I went to, then called around town to find them.
Oh, man. It's been a really long time since I had that much fun.
Plus, when the kids said they were cold, I pulled out my favorite Christmas Vacation line: "Yeah, well, it's all part of the experience."
I read a comment on Facebook of the decision to close school for the day. Something like: 'That was the best decision ever. There were families building snowmen all over town and families out sledding everywhere."
I agree, school district. Best decision ever.
We only had a little bit of fun. A little bit. Look at that smile! |
My people. |