Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The perfect snow does not happen very often in Kansas.

There are ice storms, wind events, hail, earthquakes and thundersnow. But a good, old-fashioned snowstorm that dumps inches of perfect, wet snow all day doesn't happen very often.

It happened this week. When I woke up yesterday morning, I knew that it was the perfect day to take the kids sledding. (I know that because I wanted to go sledding.)

I cleaned off my car, struck out at buying sleds at the first store I went to, then called around town to find them.

Oh, man. It's been a really long time since I had that much fun.

Plus, when the kids said they were cold, I pulled out my favorite Christmas Vacation line: "Yeah, well, it's all part of the experience."

I read a comment on Facebook of the decision to close school for the day. Something like: 'That was the best decision ever. There were families building snowmen all over town and families out sledding everywhere."

I agree, school district. Best decision ever.

We only had a little bit of fun. A little bit. Look at that smile!

My people.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Jezebel, you're bound for Hell

The only thing I love more than this song is knowing that I have a concert ticket to hear this song live...that is going to be a fun night.

Also, the logical side of me knows that no man is ever worth fighting for. But, it's fun as hell to listen to songs about...this. (Also, a nod to Knives of New Orleans. That's my other go-to song for being angry. Haha.)

Martha Divine
Ashley McBryde

I've got this feeling
And I got this shovel
Between me and you and it
You're in a little trouble
I saw you sneaking
And I know what happened
I think it's kinda funny you got caught
Only, I ain't laughing
Martha Divine, Martha Divine
You put your hands on the wrong damn man this time
Jezebel, you're bound for Hell
But evidently, the devil was busy so I moved you up in line, Martha Divine
Well, you call him darling
And I call him daddy
And daddy says he'll whup me if I don't keep mama happy
Honor thy father
Honor thy mother
But The Bible doesn't say a damn thing about your daddy's lover
Martha Divine, Martha Divine
Put your hands on the wrong damn man this time
Jezebel, you're bound for Hell
But evidently, the devil was busy so I moved you up in line, Martha Divine
Mama's an angel
My daddy isn't
Looks like a little more of him rubbed off on me than didn't
Well, I'll leave you to it
They'll never prove it
And if they ever find out, I'll say, "The devil made me do it"
Martha Divine, Martha Divine
You put your hands on the wrong damn man this time
Martha Divine, your ass is mine
And it ain't murder if I bury you alive
Martha Divine

Sunday, January 26, 2020

And then my heart exploded.

Picture this:

There's an adorable 1-year-old boy walking around, with a totally confused look on his face.

He looks at me.


Please note that I keep telling him that his Mama will be back, and that I'm watching him for a few hours.

His 3-year old sister steps in to help me.

3-year-old: “Don’t worry, that’s Monca. I know her. She’ll take good care of us.”

And then my heart exploded.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

We are the champions

I am not a Chiefs fan, but I am a fan of the Chief.

I brought this up to my Mom the other day.

At the Kansas City concert, Chief sang We Are the Champions. Right after the song he said something like, "Next year, you will be."

It looks like the Chief might be right.


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


About a week ago, I loaded up my favorite little redheaded niece in preparation for our date.

I took her out to eat, and then picked up her sisters and Grandma to go see Frozen 2.

During lunch, my favorite little redhead kept saying, "Monica, I'm so excited to see this movie." As am I, child. (Not really.)

We got ready to leave the restaurant, and we were running kind of late. I walked to my car, opened the back door, and told the redhead to get in the car.

She was hesitant, so I told her to get in the car because we were running late. And then I looked in the back of the car, where I saw one booster seat instead of two.

And then I realized that the car I was trying to get my niece to crawl in to was not my car.


In my defense, the car was unlocked and looked exactly like my car. (Aunt of the year award goes to...) I went over a couple of parking spaces, got said child into the right car, and off we went.

Every time I've gotten into a car with that little redhead since then, she looks up at me and says, "Gee Aunt Monica, I hope we get into the right car this time."

And then she looks at me and rolls her eyes.

I have no idea where this child got her sarcasm from. I mean, I have no idea whatsoever.


Monday, January 13, 2020

I miss you and I love you

I did not take this video, but I'd like to point out that I was there when this happened.


That was one of the greatest nights of my life.

Tennessee, I miss you and I love you.

Friday, January 3, 2020


Hey girls, what's your favorite Christmas song?

Girls: Old Town Road.

Me: Head, desk, repeat.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sparkles Applebloom

When the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I was putting shoes on because I was heading to the make up store.

Okay, I was putting shoes on Sparkles Applebloom, the Barbie I was playing with. And the make up store we were going to happened to be in my bathroom.

My Barbie playing buddy, little L, who will turn six years old this month, told me that my Barbie was named Sparkles Applebloom.

I love being named Sparkles!

I asked little L what her Barbie's name was.

"Monica," she said. "My Barbie's name is Barbie."

She looked at me like I was the dumbest person on the planet. Sorry, child. I honestly did not know. Also, I got an eye roll for that one. When I pointed out that she rolled her eyes, she did it again. Haha.

I got my midnight kisses and hugs and snuggles out of the way, and we eventually told stories before bedtime.

My story involved a princess, a mountain and a waterfall, and a very good looking prince who did not have any ex-girlfriends contacting him from across the country.

My favorite redhead one upped my story with a tale of a 10 million pound frog.

A 10 million pound frog trumps a love story any day. I can't compete with her storytelling.

This child is awesome.


Happy New Year! May your new year be filled with kids and sparkles and frogs.