Monday, September 30, 2019

From the mouths of babes.

"Monta, I know how to go to preschool."

"Monta, my teeth are shinier than yours." (I know, child. I know.)

Monta, why are you wearing that necklace?
Because it matches my shirt.
No it doesn't.


Penny and me

A few weeks ago, I sat down beside Penny on my bed and we had a heart to heart talk.

Penny, I said. I named you after a song, and I'm going to see that song performed live. Live, Penny! Can you believe it?

Penny snorted at me, rolled over for a belly rub, then started snoring.

It's always Penny and me tonight.

I named my first dog of my adult life after the song Penny and Me, which my favorite band, Hanson, sings.

It was glorious.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Monday inspirational post

Borrowing someone else's comment: Oh well thank you! I will cherish them as you destroy my soul.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Conversations with a 5-year-old:

Me: How was kindergarten?

L: Good.

What's your teacher's name?


Do you go outside for recess?


Do you have music class every day?


What'd you have for lunch?


Little L, I'm serious. I want to know how school is.

It's good.

She has a way with words. :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Some day, but not today

Borrowing someone else's words:

Every person is deserving of a love that sets their soul on fire, as well as provides a place to rest when weary.

Sunday, September 1, 2019