Friday, April 26, 2019

Who are my favorite songs about?

I would consider myself a professional concert goer at this point. The concert that may have officially damaged my hearing would be Brothers Osborne, who played in Wichita last night.

I can confirm that it was 100 percent worth it.

I didn't realize it until I was standing right there listening to them, but I have a lot of fond memories of their songs over the years.

There are two love songs on their recent album that I like. They're not traditional love songs, which is why I like them so much.

Plus, John Osborne plays the guitar like he invented it.



Did I stop and watch the sunset fade?
What gave me life and took my breath away?
Did I take a last-call stranger home
So I wouldn't have to wake up alone?
I heard I was a wild one
I feel like a child, son
But I really don't recall
Heard I was a fast one
Always was last one
Waitin' for the other shoe to fall
I've seen pictures
And I've heard stories
'Bout the boy I used to be
But I don't remember me
Was I just another ghost in this town?
Who was I when no one was around?
Did I even know what I was livin' with?
Who are my favorite songs about?
I heard I was a wild one
I feel like a child, son
But I really don't recall
Heard I was a fast one
Always was last one
Waitin' for the other shoe to fall
I've seen pictures
And I've heard stories
'Bout the boy I used to be
But I don't remember me
Was my heart beatin' in my chest?
Was I even alive before the day we met?
I heard I was a wild one
I feel like a child, son
But I really don't recall
Heard I was a fast one
Always was last one
Waitin' for the other shoe to fall
I've seen pictures
And I've heard stories
'Bout the boy I used to be
But I don't remember me
No, I don't remember me before you


Maybe one of these days I'll find someone worthy of the love songs that I love. 

Or maybe I won't, and instead I'll just get Pug cuddles. 

The snuggling was hard last night, or this morning, when I got home. Penny Pug snored her heart out beside me, where she's been for the past eight years through everything. 


Love comes and goes, but Pugs are forever. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

Sunsets fade and love does too

You look out the window
While I look at you
Sayin' I don't know
Would be like saying that the sky ain't blue
And boots weren't made for sitting by the door
Since you don't wanna stay anymore
You can have your space, cowboy
I ain't gonna fence you in
Go on ride away, in your Silverado
Guess I'll see you 'round again
I know my place, and it ain't with you
Sunsets fade and love does too
Yeah, we had our day in the sun
When a horse wants to run, there ain't no sense in closing the gate
You can have your space, cowboy
After the gold rush, there ain't no reason to stay
Shoulda learned from the movies that good guys don't run away
But roads weren't made to not go down
And there ain't room for both of us in this town
So you can have your space, cowboy
I ain't gonna fence you in
Go on ride away, in your Silverado
I'll see you around again
'Cause I know my place, and it ain't with you
Sunsets fade and love does too
We had our day in the sun
When a horse wants to run, ain't no sense in closing the gate
So you can have your space
You can have your space, cowboy
I ain't gonna fence you in
Go on ride away, in your Silverado
I'll see you around again
'Cause I know my place, and it ain't with you
Sunsets fade, and love does too
Oh, we had our day in the sun
When a horse wants to run, ain't no sense in closing the gate
You can have your space
Yeah, you can have your space
You can have your space

It's a Kacey Musgraves kind of day.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Not a story in the world

I had a little shadow glued to side over the weekend.

It was the cutest shadow ever.

On Friday night before bedtime, my shadow wanted to tell stories before bedtime.

It was the most hilarious thing I've heard recently, and possibly ever, in my life.

My little shadow is 5 years old. She has long red hair that goes on for days. She is the kid who made me an aunt (her twin sister was born a minute later).

The story started like this:

"Once upon a time, I was walking in a spooky forest..."

I had to try to contain my laughter. I'm sure a few giggles slipped out. When's the last time you stepped foot in a forest, kid? How do you even know what a forest is?

Anyway, the story continued. I wish I could have recorded her so I could tell you the story word for word.

Here's my best attempt.

There was a man walking through a spooky forest, and he came across some houses. He decided to steal jewelry from the houses, but he soon discovered that the jewelry was made of cardboard.

He was tricked!

The people knew he was coming, so they hid their real jewelry and put out their fake cardboard jewelry instead.

And then the police showed up...but the police were made of cardboard.

Another trick!

There were more parts of the story that I tried not to giggle through. In the end, the police officer was looking at multiple robbers, literally. There was a crowd of people looking at the officer.

There was a twist. The people accused of stealing the jewelry weren't just normal people.

Little redhead: "They had butts for faces."

And with that, my favorite little redhead burst out into laughter.

There is not a story in the world that's better than the one she told.



About a week later, I was telling this story to my parents. Little K piped up and had an excellent ending to the story.

Little K: "And then the butt was like, 'Where's my face?'"

And then we all died of laughter. These kids are the best.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Make lemonade.

It was 80 degrees on Wednesday afternoon and about 25 degrees on Wednesday night.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Having fresh flowers in my house makes me insanely happy. The smells! The colors! The prettiness!

I'm doing this more often from now on.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Yes, kid. I am brilliant.

I'm adorable.

For approximately 17 hours over the weekend, I was in charge of six breathing things.

My Pugs are pretty easy to keep alive. In addition to them, my brother's three kids (5, 5, 3) spent the night at my house.

I'm still exhausted.

The baby of the group, three-year-old C, has only spent the night at my house once before. 

She cracks me up. 

The fun started when she saw my vacuum. Last year I bought a robotic vacuum and named him Jarvis. About a week after that, my parents bought one and named theirs Zoe.

The kids saw Grandma's vacuum first, which is the same brand that I have. 

That means that when little C walked in to my house and saw my vacuum, she thought I stole it from her grandparents. 

"Monta, why you steal Zoe?"

"Monta, give Zoe back to Gamma. That not nice."

"Monta don't steal."

Explaining logic to a three-year-old is pointless.


Somebody has to supervise bath time.


We went to the playground on Saturday. 

Before we left, C had an important question for me. 

"Monta, where you keep your van?"

I am single, 33 years old and have no children. I decided to tell little C the truth. 

"I keep my van in my garage."

Little C: "Otay."


The three-year-old had some other one-liners that were pretty good. 

While they were prolonging bedtime, the kids wanted to know who built my house. Earlier in the night, I explained to them that my house is really old. They're old enough now to know the difference between an old house and a new house.

C: "Monta, who built your house?"

Me: "I don't know, C. My house is more than 100 years old. Somebody built it a really long time ago."

C: "It was Papa. Papa built your house."

Me: "Absolutely. Your Grandpa, who is in his 60s, built my 100-year-old house."

C: "I love Papa. He so good."


One of the books I read to them before bedtime is called Night Night, Groot. 

As I was reading it, I pointed out all of the Marvel characters. There's Captain America, Groot, Spiderman, Rocket and Gamora. I explained to them that Gamora has a sister named Nebula. 

Little C was blown away by my basic Marvel movie knowledge.

C: "Monta so smart."

Yes, kid. I am brilliant.


I pointed out all the nooks and crannies of my house to the girls. The twins are old enough to understand that new houses don't have the "character" that mine has. 

I pointed out the closets in my bathroom, two of which I've never opened because I can't reach them. I asked the twins what they thought might be in those closets. 

One of them quipped: "Maybe Eric Church will pop out."

I've never been so proud of someone in my life. I've taught them well.