Wednesday, June 27, 2018

All the pretty colors.

I am a lot of things, but patient is not one of them.

I'm also not a quitter.

Last week, I decided to travel an hour west because I was craving my favorite restaurant. I really thought I would have enough time to get home before the storms hit.

I was wrong.

I am grateful there were no tornadoes or hail in this storm. There was a lot of wind and rain, and it was kind of fun to see the vehicles chicken out and pull over.

A line of us crawled all the way home without quitting, at a whopping 45 miles an hour.

In the photo below, I was going east, and I had already driven through the colorful stuff. Why stop to let a storm pass when you just drove through the worst of it?

I decided to keep going.

I needed gas, though. That proved difficult in Cimarron because there were cars underneath the gas station awning.

Guys, let's think about this for a second. Look at the pretty colors in the photo below. A gas station awning will not protect you from rain when the rain is horizontal.

Move so I can gas up, people!

It wasn't the smartest decision I've ever made, but it was kind of fun.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Peak 2018

From Twitter:

Binge-watching an entire 13 episode true crime documentary into the wee hours of the morning, only to discover afterward on Twitter that an owl might have done it is peak 2018.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dream in my eye and a prayer in my heart

Should've Been a Cowboy
I bet you've never heard ole Marshall Dillion say
Miss Kitty have you ever thought of running away
Settling down will you marry me
If I asked you twice and begged you pretty please
She'd of said, "Yes in a New York minute"
They never tied the knot
His heart wasn't in it
Stole a kiss as he road away
He never hung his hat up at Kitty's place
I should've been a Cowboy
I should'be learned to rope and ride
Wearing my six-shooter riding by pony on a cattle drive
Stealing the young girl's hearts
Just like Gene and Roy
Singing those campfire songs
I should've been a cowboy
I might of had a side kick with a funny name
Running wild through the hills chasing Jesse James
Ending up on the brink of danger
Riding shotgun for the Texas Rangers
Go west young man, haven't you been told
California's full of whiskey, women and gold
Sleeping out all night beneath the dessert stars
Dream in my eye and a prayer in my heart
I should've been a Cowboy
I should'be learned to rope and ride
Wearing my six-shooter riding by pony on a cattle drive
Stealing the young girl's hearts
Just like Gene and Roy
Singing those campfire songs
I should've been a cowboy