Monday, April 16, 2018


Random other things I found online that I love:

"If someone in my social circle ever pulled this shit, I'd disappear from their life so fast they'd think I'd been kidnapped by a black ops team. This dude has just torpedoed his reputation among anyone with two brain cells to rub together."

- Found on a reddit post.  :)

Friday, April 6, 2018


Stolen from LinkedIn:

What will most define whether or not you’re a “failure” is how you approach failing. It’s important to understand the difference between “you had a failure“ and “you are a failure.” People who think they are a failure because they had a failure will fail. People who understand that having a failure is probably a message that they need to modify their approach and try again—and to keep doing that until they find the paths to succeed—will succeed. That’s why most really successful people can point to many failures and learnings in their wake.