Wednesday, January 31, 2018

I could be yours and mine could be you

Pick you up at 7
You're ready by 8
You call it hanging out
But I'm calling it a date
Anything that I can do to try and get a shot at you
This could be my night to prove

I could be the one you call baby
You could be the one that I love like crazy
Every night 'til the end of forever
The kind of love that only gets better
We could be the one in a million
Butterflies, once in a lifetime feeling
If it's too fast, I can take it slower
But tonight I'm gonna win you over, over

Driving on a back road
Going about 45
Put your hand on my knee
Never felt so alive
This must be the feeling that they talk about in movies
Never thought I'd find the one who can do it to me

I could be the one you call baby
You could be the one that I love like crazy
Every night 'til the end of forever
The kind of love that only gets better
We could be the one in a million
Butterflies, once in a lifetime feeling
If it's too fast, I can take it slower
But tonight I'm gonna win you over, over
I'm gonna win you over, over
I'm gonna win you

I know it's getting late and you need to get home
But life's too short to go it alone
We all need something to get us through
I could be yours and mine could be you

I could be the one you call baby
You could be the one that I love like crazy
Every night 'til the end of forever
The kind of love that only gets better
We could be the one in a million
Butterflies, once in a lifetime feeling
If it's too fast, I can take it slower
But tonight I'm gonna win you over, over
I'm gonna win you over, over

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stop looking at your sister

I spent five years in college, and I look at my shiny degree every day that I am at work.

I had the following conversation a few weeks ago.

My favorite red-headed child, little L, was looking at her sister.

Her sister: "Aunt Monica, L is looking at me."

Me: "L, stop looking at your sister."

L: "Monica, K is looking at me."

Me: "Why don't both of you stop looking at each other."

The threenagers are now fournagers.

Monday, January 29, 2018


It was standing room only in the Urgent Care Clinic yesterday afternoon.

I planned my trip accordingly. It opened at noon. I got there 20 minutes later.

I keep thinking of a saying that I'll remember for the rest of my life: Be thankful for what you have. You could have a lot less.

The two people in front of me, both with kids, were asked to pay a $50 co-pay. Both people walked out of the building without saying a word.

Their kids were sick and they didn't have $50 to have them seen.

Today, I'm thankful that I can go to the doctor when I don't feel good. I'm thankful that I can afford an emergency room bill five days after my health insurance deductible reset in the first week of January.

I'm thankful that I can go to the pharmacy and get medicine whenever I need to. I'm thankful that my pharmacist and his employees know me by name, and offer to deliver my medicine when I'm holed up sick in my house.

I'm thankful I have a house, albeit a little old (118 years old, to be exact) and a little drafty.

I'm thankful that my parents made me work for what I have since the day that I turned 16. I'm thankful that they taught me that I need to take care of myself, because you can't rely on anyone else to take care of you.

And for those wondering: No, I don't have the flu. I never did. Yes, I still have a cough, but no, I'm not contagious. No, I am not going to walk around and spread my illness around. You can't really give people double ear infections. If you piss me off, I might try, though.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Kiss me like that and I'm a goner

Lanco's new album is out today!

I was in a bar the other night, and a group of men were playing darts.

Lanco's Greatest Love Story came on, and I noticed that more than one of the men playing darts knew the lyrics to the song.

This song will always have a special place in my heart.

During Lanco's concert, they said something along the lines of: "May you find your love story, and may it be the greatest love story ever."


Greatest Love Story

They said I was nothing but a troublemaker never up to no good
You were the perfect all American girl wouldn't touch me even if you could
But you was sneaking out your window everynight riding shotgun in my car
We go to the river and find us a spot and we probably went a little too far
Just a little too far
'Cause I was gonna be your forever
You were gonna be my wife
We didn't know any better
Didn't have a clue about life
But I was what you wanted you were what I needed
And we could meet in between
We were gonna be the greatest love story this town had ever seen
So you went off to college and I got a job I was working that 9 to 5
Dreaming of the days when you were in my arms I've never felt so alive
I spent my days working, spent my nights drinking, howling at the moon
Screaming for the days when you were coming back, no couldn't come to soon
Couldn't come to soon
When I was gonna be your forever
You were gonna be my wife
But you went off to find better
And I was learning all about life
But I was what you wanted and you were what I needed
And we could meet in between
We were gonna be the greatest love story this town had ever seen
So you came back after a long four years
Your college boyfriend didn't work out
So we went out for a couple of drinks to find out who we are now
Sure we changed but way deep down you had the same old feelings for me
I went to the store and I bought you a ring and I got down on one knee
Down on one knee
And I said
I wanna be your forever
So baby will you be my wife
Now that we know a little better
We could have a real nice life
'Cause I'm what you wanted and your what I need
So let's meet in between
We're gonna be the greatest love story this town has ever seen
We're gonna be the greatest love story this world has ever seen
So baby say yes to me

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Let's go find it.

For those who don't know, I've been sick with The Plague for approximately 97 days.

And by 97 days, I mean three weeks. 

To say that I feel bad is an understatement. Last week was an especially bad week.

I lost my voice completely.

I knew it was time to call a doctor, which is swell for people who have voices who are healthy enough to call doctors.

I sent my Mom a text message. Can I come over for you to make an appointment for me?

Duh, she said.

When I got to her house, I didn't want to try to talk, because I was scared that my Batman vs. Darth Vader voice would scare the crap out of three pretty cool little girls I know.

My favorite red-haired child, little L, who is almost 4,  came up to me at the kitchen table. Grandma told her that Aunt Monica lost her voice, and that Aunt Monica was going to the doctor for it.

Little L looked at me, the wheels in her brain turning.

"Monica, where's your voice? Where'd it go?"

Little L, Grandma explained. Aunt Monica is sick and she lost her voice.

Little L: "Monica, let's go find it! Let's find your voice!"

Little L, in her innocence, thought my voice was like a lost toy, something she could find if she concentrated hard enough.

And then I, with my Batman vs. Darth Vader voice, melted into a giant pile of goo.

This kid is the best. 

(By the way, I got my voice back and I'm working on the ear infection thing. How a grown ass adult gets a double ear infection for the first time in her 30s is something I'll never understand.)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Please note

If your company refused to help me in 2017, do not add me to your LinkedIn in 2018.

(Am I really saying this out loud?)