Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Thou art.

This song played at my aunt's funeral yesterday.

As with all holidays: Be thankful for what you have. You could have a lot less.

Friday, December 22, 2017

A rant

Several times this week people have asked me the same annoying question: Are you ready for Christmas?

I honestly don't know how to answer this question.

I am in my 30s, not married, and have no kids. I show up to holiday gatherings when I'm told to and try to avoid all the other drama and stress happening.

I show up, eat turkey, hand out some presents, then go back to my little introvert hole and hide until it's all over.

Are you ready for Christmas?

I'm ready for a nap, guys. That's all I'm ready for.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The greatest teacher failure is.

"The greatest teacher failure is."

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

- Star Wars

There was also a Reddit comment I read that cracked me up, something about Yoda being an "adorable little asshole."


Friday, December 15, 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Glitter failure

A Facebook update from last weekend, where an insanely introverted Monica went to two, TWO, Christmas parties:

My first journey into glitter eyeshadow was a total failure tonight. But if you’re going to fail, you might as well be a glitter failure.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Long Way

A tweet from Brett Eldredge: There will be someone that wants to know everything about ya, No doubt!.
Don't think I've ever seen your kind of pretty
Wondering 'round this midnight mad house city
You got a look that says you got it all together
So if you don't, mind I'd like to know you better
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want the secrets you keep, the shine underneath
Of the diamond I think I just found
Take me the long way around
I'd love to see just where your daddy met your momma
Your hand-me-down '99 Impala
Show me the field you danced in Clover
The harvest in October
When the leaves fall from the sky just like a Sunday drive
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want the secrets you keep, the shine underneath
Of the diamond I think I just found
Take me the long way around
I didn't think tonight when I walked in
I'd be falling for somewhere I've never been
Take me the long way around your town
Were you the queen with the silver crown?
I want your red blushing stories
Your faults and your glories
That made you who you are right now
Take me the long way around
Take me the long way around