Tuesday, May 26, 2015

House update!

As of Friday, the final inspection hasn't been done yet on my house.

The loan hasn't gone through, either.

I emailed Mr. Bank Guy on Friday, asking him nicely if this is actually going to happen on time. Yes, he says, it will be done this week.

We're cutting it close here, people.

In the meantime, I'm trying to line up helpers and movers, a trailer, and I bought some furniture that's going to be delivered this weekend. 

I hope I have a house this weekend. My fingers are crossed...


I've been stressed out and not in the best of moods lately.

I drove in rain yesterday morning for almost three hours. People were driving like maniacs. I was irritated and I just wanted to go home.

I debated turning around and going home several times. About an hour and a half into my trip, things got intense. I slowed down, way down, and couldn't see five feet in front of my car.

It was pretty bad.

Once I got to Wichita, one of my friends called me. She told me to avoid a certain highway because there were several wrecks on it.

I was already past that spot in the highway, thankfully.

Later that night when I checked my phone, I read that two people died in an accident that morning. I missed the wreck by about 30 minutes.


Friendly reminder: Drive responsibly. If you don't feel comfortable driving, pull over. Turn around, go home, or get a hotel room.

Sure, it's $100 out of your pocket, but it's not worth your life.

Today I'm thankful the worst thing that happened to me driving this weekend was my irritability.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What pigs do.

"I think you're being too anxious about this."

Yes, yes I am. Have you met me?


"My dog ate a diaper last night. Did you hear about that?"

"Yes. That's what Pigs do."

(I'm 30 years old and I have a dog named Pig. I love my life.)

Monday, May 18, 2015

My momma taught me better than that.

I used to think all of life's problems had an answer.

When you're little and you can't figure something out, you ask Mom. She can fix anything.

In grade school, middle school and high school, teachers gave you problems that always had an answer. If you didn't know, you asked, and they helped you figure it out.

In college, professors did the same thing. If they didn't know the answer, another student probably did.

It's a little different in my grown-up professional life.

I'm starting to realize -- no, I've known this for quite a while now -- that no one else has the answers to my problems.

I have to decide what to do. And for some of questions, I don't have an answer.

I don't understand why houses, relationships, promises and other things fall through. I don't understand why I can't just make one single plan for my life and have everything happen on time the way I want it to.

I don't have the answer for these things when they happen. And that's really frustrating sometimes.

I've been told more than once that my expectations aren't reasonable. That makes me giggle, because I honestly expect things to be 100 percent successful. And then when they fail, I get shocked and upset every single time.

I don't like failing. Failing, and not having answers, are both really frustrating things.


I looked at houses in December, a day after my other one fell through.

I was heart broken. I cried so much I didn't think I could cry any more. At the time I thought, you know what? I'm not going to let this break me.

I'm going to kick some grass over that shit and move on.

I moved on to a much better house. If you can't tell, this house business means a lot to me.

I can't even describe how much it means to me. It bothers me when other people have what I want and don't treat it with respect.

House, I will do you right. I will fix you when you break.

I promise.


On a happier note, I get the keys to my house next week. Due to my philosophy of hating spending money, I'm pretty sure my closet project is a go now.

Hooray! I'm looking forward to taking a hammer to the old closet and tearing the crap out of it.

House therapy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


This part of the home buying process isn't for the faint of heart.

Repairs need to be made, inspections are done, paperwork needs to be signed, and underwriters who probably don't even live in my state are dictating what is and isn't happening in my life right now.


I was asked this week what kind of pipes are in my house.

Um, I don't know. Round ones?

This is getting on my nerves. Some of it's funny, though.

In order for this process to move forward, I have to do the following things:
  • Sign papers promising I'm not a terrorist.
  • Sign papers to say I've never committed arson or purposely written bad checks.
  • Give details about my life, such as what kind of dog I have, where my washer and dryer is in my house, and what kind of education I have to total strangers.
  • Give details about whether my vehicle is paid off or not. 
  • Promise to not have a full-time butler or maid living with me (ha!).
  • Sign papers to say I haven't been jailed for the past few years.

So basically, if you're a terrorist with a dog who commits arson and you have a butler or maid, you're totally screwed. You're probably going to live in an apartment, not a house, for the rest of your life.

On a happier, not so sarcastic note, I picked out paint colors. We're doing a nice neutral color in most of the rooms, but we're going a little crazy in the dining room. 

I'll leave you on a cliffhanger here and won't disclose the color.

Less than three weeks until I get this house, people!

Monday, May 11, 2015

A metaphor in there somewhere.

Today started out promising.

A meeting about my future house left me irritated, and then I realized I lost my debit card at lunch.

I'm aware these are first world problems, and I really have no room to complain. My life with my little Pug is pretty great.

I can get over a bad day, because tomorrow will be a new day.

Tonight, I decided to go for a walk. It's beautiful outside, and I threw on a hoodie, my tunes and set out.

I walk alongside the highway that runs through town. On my walk back to my house, I passed a broken down rendering truck alongside the highway.

I think there's a metaphor in there somewhere. You have to walk through stuff that smells like shit and looks like dead stuff sticking out of a broken down truck to get to the greener grass on the other side.

Yes, there's a metaphor in there somewhere.

Life's pretty stinky sometimes.

Friday, May 8, 2015


I haven't updated this here blog thing in a while.

Why, you must be wondering?

Life is getting in the way.

I was hoping to close on my house sooner, but it looks like I'll be closing in the end of May. Electrical repairs, picking insurance, signing papers, inspections, more inspections, signing more papers...this stuff takes time.

I'm overwhelmed because I want to make all of the changes right now. Now! Now!

I have to pick and choose my battles here.

Other random life notes:

  • I cut my hair off. It's spiffy.
  • My dog and I had our four-year anniversary a couple weeks ago. To celebrate, she snored.

Quotes :)